Saturday, October 4, 2008

Essential New Traditions.... or not

Before I head off to bed, the need to share the film clip that has become something of a tradition (ridiculous though it may be) in my res:

I found this clip earlier in the year, when I was exploring the site
unexplained To the casual observer, this will probably seem like a load of. But for the rare few who go to great pains to steer clear of "scary" things, well this at 1 am, is bound to get you at least a little hoppety...

And now, I present to you,
the Japanese ghosts:

A start

Yesterday was a perfectly ordinary day.
I woke up, did my thing and went to sleep.

Yea right!!
For one thing, I did my washing. Now I ca
n survive for another week, maybe two, without having to brave the tumble dryer. (I swear those things are worse than the cookie monster. What goes in never comes out the way it should. But don't even think of suggesting hanging the stuff out on the washing line. Who in this crazed world has time for running round like a headless chicken trying to find the time to hang clothes out in the sun? Not me, that's for sure!)

On second thoughts, as far as Thursadays go, yeasterday wasn't all that exraordinary. My amazing ablity to procrasitnate resulted in me having to forsake my bed in slump infront of my pc doing a psych assignment. Aaaarg. That and the fact that my room has decided that the predictability of order is terribly boring. So guess what? um. Just trust me when I say you don't want to know. I mean that.

Oh, but there was the whole food story yesterday. Jo! I never want to go hungry like that again (fat chance, I can feel my stomach plummeting already). Supper last night in the dining hall was revolting, so I thought I'd be smart and wait the half hour till seconds. Great idea. One problem: drama rehearsal. By the time that was over I was dying, but phoning Steers didn't help; the delivery boy was on his last round. (Here's a thing, why are they
always delivery "boys"? Not that I'm complainin...) My last resort was calling Pirates Pizza (they put the ARR in margareta). Try finding a cellphone on silent in my room. uhu...
But find it I did. And called them I did. And informed i was that I'd called the sms line. yay! an sms line! cheaper food:D
An hour later I got a call: my sms had only just gone through, and they had just sent their delivery boyn(again) on his last round.

That did it.
Hope i never have to revert to weetbix at 23:47 ever again in my life!