Tuesday, October 7, 2008

"I'm so glad I have these friends of mine"

I have found a song which defines the word "profound". Perhaps not the conventional definition of the word- there is no talk of lost love, the fragility of life,or apprecation of the stars- but to a university student such as myself, this song is very applicable. It is called "Friends O' Mine", by Bowling For Soup. the song talks about hangovers, an unlikely town (Grahamstown), and how we sleep late but aren't lazy...a concept to which I can definately relate! And although the lyrics of this song are most likely simply a metaphor for the many trials and tribulations which we go through with our friends, I think that it can be interpreted very literally in terms of my group of girls.

Monday, October 6, 2008

the Proof is in the Pudding

I'll admit, I have my fair share of blond moments. But, in actual fact, so does everyone else. I found this story while looking for a pic for my last post, and thought I should share it, as Hanna's story tells a tale that many blond women can identify with:

It is still alive and well. Men thinking blondes are dumb! I decided a few years ago, when I hit mid-life crises to color my hair really blonde. I also, after many years of wearing glasses got contacts. Before the makeover,I had mousy brown hair, glasses, and a very intellectual look about me. Well, let me tell you what some contacts, and allot of Miss Clairol can do! I noticed immediately that men started paying more attention to me. I never had this problem before. If my car broke down, I was on my own. Now, I had the power. I was blonde, I had more men trying to help me with my car when it broke down, then I knew what to do with. Anyway. let me tell you about one special night when I went out dancing. It's a true experiment in stereotyping.I must preface by saying, when I go out, I really like to put on the ritz. My hair is done, really fun clothes, perfect makeup, you got the idea. Anyway, I went out dancing one night with my friends to a country western club. The usual crowed was there and a few extras. I love to dance, so by then I had built up quite a few regulars to dance with. But, ahh, there's always the newbees. Anyway, I had noticed for a long time that since I did my hair blonde, I was getting more attention from men, however, not the type I was interested in. They seemed to be talking just a little slower to me then they used too. Also, in a more condescending way, like I was a bit of a child. This had gone on many times over the weeks and months, since my hair change. It was really starting to get irritating. Mind you, I had a lifetime of being treating like I could actually think. Well, if I got the chance, tonight was gonna be the night. I was going to see just how gullible a man can be when he's around a blonde. You'll love this!
I was dancing for awhile with all the regulars, that actually new me well enough to know I had a brain. They new better than to confuse me the the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz. Well, that's when the victim to my experiment came up to ask me to dance. We were just doing a nice, slow two-step, so talking was quite viable. I noticed from the beginning he was talking to me SLOWLY, like I had brain damage. This kind of irritated me. We were talking for awhile, when I asked him what he did for a living, and he said a truck driver. He then asked me what I did. Here was my chance. I said "I work for Dairy Queen". He said 'Oh Really", in the most condescending way, I have ever heard. This is where i get him. I said with my hand twirling in a circular motion, "Yes, and do you know how hard it is to get those swirls just right". He said 'No I can't Imagine" I really had him going. But, boy did he deserve it. After all, he was the one treating me like the proverbial "Dumb Blonde," from the beginning. Anyway, I proceeded to ask him why he was talking to me so slowly, he said "I don't know". Well, I did. It was so obvious it was pathetic. I then asked him if he believed I worked for Dairy Queen. He said "Yeah, Why". I said "I was only pulling your leg, I'm really in my Master's Program to become a counselor". With that in the middle of the dance, he threw his arms off me, stopped dead from dancing, and said "Your not gonna analyze me are you". With that, I said "No, your not really that interesting", and I walked off the dance floor. That was a night to remember.Moral of the story, think twice before you go with the old stereotypes, what you see, may not be always what you get, and most importantly, don't dance with men who talk real slow to you. It just goes to show ya, the old stereotypes, are alive and well, and living in the good old U.S.A.!

Ahem! Just a tad eeearly

I can't even call that classic. It's just plain, typical old me.
So, I seem to be in a bit of a bad habit of arriving a tad late for journ (don't judge me!)
But today was different.

I arrived a whole 65 min early! :0
When I hurried in at 10:30, I was pleasantly relieved to see that they hadn't started yet. I noticed that there was a new lecturer up front. oh yea! Didn't see the other oaks I often sit with, so I just went and plopped myself down where I normally sit, took out my book, got my pen in hand and looked at the lecture's first projected slide.
I know I'm not always not all that up to date with what's going on, but come on, we are not doing anything to do with power saving and graphs and all that jazz.
In mildly embarrassed horror, I looked around the class.
I knew no one. So, I did what any self respecting drama student would do under the circumstances: I fled, trying to attract as little attention as possible, which resulted in every beady little economic eye following out of Eden Red.
So I'll sit here and lick my wounded pride and continue trying to convince myself that I'm not a total oddball, and that what I made was nothing more than an honest mistake that anyone might be responsible for.
Dunno if I'll succeed. But it's worth a try...


Oof! Here we go. It's the "I'm right, you're wrong! (but it's all a load of B.S.)" game from preschool! Who ever said politicians lose touch with their younger side?

Gimme your STUFF!

One would think, with all the security measures in place and people everywhere, that being on campus would guarantee one's safety.
Maybe this used to be so, but not anymore!
On the 20th Sep, two girls were mugged in the Drama Department at 16:00. What's really concerning is the fact that the department usually still has many people in the building at the time, yet the juvenile criminals had no problem with entering the building.
The mugging took place in the Upper Studio, which - of the different rehearsal venues in the department - is more isolated, indicating those responsible had been in the building before, sussing the place out.
Interestingly, the Rhodes homepage cautioned students on the "dangers of working after hours in deserted buildings". 4pm is NOT after hours. Many students can be found working well into the night.
Many students agree that it's high time that a chipping system be installed in the building, as it is on the edge of campus and so even more vulnerable to threats than other departments. The drama department, however, claims that it simply does not have the funds to do so.
But if the safety of students on campus is a priority, why can't the university itself do something?