Monday, October 6, 2008

Gimme your STUFF!

One would think, with all the security measures in place and people everywhere, that being on campus would guarantee one's safety.
Maybe this used to be so, but not anymore!
On the 20th Sep, two girls were mugged in the Drama Department at 16:00. What's really concerning is the fact that the department usually still has many people in the building at the time, yet the juvenile criminals had no problem with entering the building.
The mugging took place in the Upper Studio, which - of the different rehearsal venues in the department - is more isolated, indicating those responsible had been in the building before, sussing the place out.
Interestingly, the Rhodes homepage cautioned students on the "dangers of working after hours in deserted buildings". 4pm is NOT after hours. Many students can be found working well into the night.
Many students agree that it's high time that a chipping system be installed in the building, as it is on the edge of campus and so even more vulnerable to threats than other departments. The drama department, however, claims that it simply does not have the funds to do so.
But if the safety of students on campus is a priority, why can't the university itself do something?

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