Monday, October 6, 2008

Ahem! Just a tad eeearly

I can't even call that classic. It's just plain, typical old me.
So, I seem to be in a bit of a bad habit of arriving a tad late for journ (don't judge me!)
But today was different.

I arrived a whole 65 min early! :0
When I hurried in at 10:30, I was pleasantly relieved to see that they hadn't started yet. I noticed that there was a new lecturer up front. oh yea! Didn't see the other oaks I often sit with, so I just went and plopped myself down where I normally sit, took out my book, got my pen in hand and looked at the lecture's first projected slide.
I know I'm not always not all that up to date with what's going on, but come on, we are not doing anything to do with power saving and graphs and all that jazz.
In mildly embarrassed horror, I looked around the class.
I knew no one. So, I did what any self respecting drama student would do under the circumstances: I fled, trying to attract as little attention as possible, which resulted in every beady little economic eye following out of Eden Red.
So I'll sit here and lick my wounded pride and continue trying to convince myself that I'm not a total oddball, and that what I made was nothing more than an honest mistake that anyone might be responsible for.
Dunno if I'll succeed. But it's worth a try...

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