Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Addo Park hunt

I visited the Addo for the first time this weekend in anticipation in seeing elephants and bird life. I was not going to get my hopes up on seeing a lion. However, on the road between Marion Baree and the south gate at 10am, we spotted a lioness walking in the road and causing traffic jam. She was walking in a north direction up the road, her eyes shifting to a pair of grazing Kudu not too far off. She was in a down-wind and they obviously had not sensed her yet.

However, it seemed unlikely that she would attempt to take down a kudu on her own. She decided to lazily lie down in the middle of the road, proving good photo opportunities. Then she was on the move again, unperturbed by the vehicles that surrounded her. Her eyes were focused, you could see that she was on the hunt.

We were lucky enough to have her walk right next to our vehicle, and we quickly turned around. She left the road and stood fixated on the bush very close to us. As we got in line with her we saw directly in front of her, was a large warthog. Holding a death stare, she jerked slightly and the warthog was off, crunching of bushes and then the squeals of a little warthog running out of the bush down the road, filled the air with a rush. Everyone waited in anticipation to hear if a successful kill had been made, and a slight pity came over one thinking about the baby who would probably lose its mother.

The circle of life. However, she soon reappeared from the thicket, obviously an unsuccessful attempt. We watched her for a few minutes as she stalked back into the bush leaving everyone enthralled. I tried to identify her with the pictures that were posted, but I just wanted to ask if I am correct in assuming that this is Gina? I also wanted to ask if anyone else thinks that she could be pregnant, as she has a swollen belly and was hunting alone?

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