Thursday, October 23, 2008

You, Me and Germinating Peas

I am a good student. I do not often skip my lectures, nor do I make a habit of attending lectures for subjests which I do not take. Once, however, I was struck by an irresistable urge to attend a BSc lecture. Ok, maybe I was just too lazy to move my butt out of chem major after Psycology. I learned two things during this lecture:

1) Contrary to the belief of most BA students, BSc is not simply the easy way out for people who do not want to have to write essays.

2) A journ student can find inspiration for a good piece of creative writing anywhere...even in a lecture about respiration and photosynthesis.
The proffessor was talking about the afternoon's practical class. I, of course, was not listening, but rather doodling on the side of my friend's (who really does do BSc) notes, much to her annoyance. Suddenly, one of Prof's mundane sentances struck a chord in my mind. "Everything respires," he was saying, "things like you, me, and germinating peas."
You, Me and Germinating Peas. What an interesting name for a semi-biographical novel about my time at varsity. The "you" reffering to the friends and love interests, the "me" referring to myself and my everyday experiences, and the "germinating peas" part referring to the little bits of academic work I occasionally did.
That n ight, I had a lot of fun thinking up titles for some of the chapters in this book, which I really do plan to write one day. Among these titles was "heaters, heatbreak and a jalepeno on a stick" (yes, I had been watching Achmed the Dead Terrorist), and what has got to be my personal favourite, "Romany Creams, Romantic Dreams and Non-Engagement Rings".
So, If in 10 years time you see this book on the shelf, you can say that you read about it here first :)

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