Friday, October 24, 2008

some thoughts, beginning in frustration, ending much the same

still feelin pretty miffed about the phone call from earlier this eve. sucks ass.
i mean, am i being over sensitive? probably ya. childish, probably. but come one! i cant help wondering how he'd have help had i called him a "boertjie" (he's so darn Afrikaans at times, he might just brim with pride) or how about a "dutchman" then. no, better still... rock spider. i know that one has a whole history behind why the English use that as a yuk name for the Afr, but i cant remember it.
"rock spider" has just reminded me about stephen. amazing how thoughts can drift. i miss him. "Stoof" was like my big brother. oh i loved him dearly. and i miss him. wish things hadnt fallen apart as they did. but he changed. we all did towards the end of matric. and the change wasn't a good one. poisoned by the twin's bitterness towards Sasol high. i still wonder why they were there if all they ever had to say about the place was negative shit. oh they sucked. but were good friends. to an extent, dont want to think what they said about me bahind my back.
oh, back to work....

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