Thursday, October 23, 2008

insecticide VS bullets

i found this quote just now and i thought it was just so good. you know how you get all these people (namely girls and a few self-riteous guys) how claim that they are vegetarians because they "don't like the idea that animals must be born to die" just so that they can have a hmaburger. well, hows this for food for thought:
I am not a vegetarian because I love animals. I am a vegetarian because I hate plants.
A. Whitney Brown

dad once introduced me to an interesting notion concerning vegerternianism: it is actually more harmful to the invroment than "breeding animals for the sole purpose to have them killed".
the discu
ssion arose when we were at Dad's one friend's house. Now Uncle Mike likes his hunting trips, and seeing that he has the extra change to aford it, he goes. often. and he always comes back with heaps and heaps of biltong. this would, should, be enough to put a grin on any South African's face. but not Jessica's. ooo no. his eldest daughter is of the opinion that it is

nspeakably cruel to hunt, shoot, kill and then EAT these beautiful animals.

but what if i was to tell you that the biltong you eat is far more enviromentally friendly than your celery and carrots? its true!

mass produced fruit and vegetables are grown in ecologically sterile enviroments. most of these plants are alien to the enviroment, and if any native plants - weeds - begin to grow, they are uprooted. furthermore, all animals and insects are killed. the ground often grows tired (believe it!) as it is overused and not given sufficeint rest.

comapre this to how free-range biltong is obtained:

wildlife live in parks or reserves, free, as nature intended. hunters must go into the bush and track their prey. even when they find thir quarry they dont always manage a kill (if this isn't earining your supper, then wafting around a veggy store sure as anything isn't). in this evviroment, indigenous plants can grow and flourish. it is also the insect and small animals'

which, then, is better for the ecology? game farming, or veggy harvesting?

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