Friday, October 24, 2008

The "Other" South Africans

We've all been on a holiday at the seaside. The feel of the warm summer sun on our backs, the texture of the sand beneath our feet and the coolness of the waves on our toes have always been something to look forward to. Some of us, however, take the phrase "dis leeker by die see" to the extreme.
I have a holiday home in East London, and like to consider myself an East London local, rather than a "vaalie" as other people from my hometown are often reffered to. One of the reasons I like to pretnd I am a local is to be spared the embarrassment that comes from being associated with the habits of some people from up country. Why, for instance, do they feel the need to drag chairs, umbrella's and occasionally tents to the beach? Local are perfeclty satisfied with a towel, a pair of slops and perhaps some change with which to buy an ice cream. They also do not think to check when the next high tide will be before setting all this stuff up well below the high water mark. At least it is entertaining to see them screaming and running into the water to try and find their possessions which have been washed away while they were tanning. And than there are the patterns of sunburn which cause a person to wonder exactly what they wore to the beach that day.
Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but I am quite sure that there are shopping malls in Joburg, and they are not some strange inventions created by the coastal locals. But from observing these strange people who come on holiday, you would think that they had been deprived of shopping their entire lives. Local shopping centers are simply flooded during holiday season, to the extent where it is impossible for locals to do their daily shopping.
After years of careful observation, I have concluded that these people are simply another species all together!

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