Sunday, October 19, 2008

some ramblings

went out with farah on friday. havent been out in aaages! will upload my pics off facebook later. was fun. and a bit dodge. farah finally admitted (after too many promps in my opinion) to wantin to go random hunting. humph! that went down well. not! fro some reason all the decent guys were NOT in union at all. we were alone!
i did spot two potentials. but they had dates and i wasnt drunk enough to try anything funny. infact, i was 100% sober. believe it! darn, i wish "viv" could see me say that. i think i kno what her issue is:
poor woman shares her name with the biggest #^$&%^*# under the sun. maybe ill share my miffs about that. haha and then my aunts hypocracy will be spread all over the world. hehe. next step will be gettin other ppl to read about it. yaaa.....

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