Saturday, October 25, 2008

on assignment: well that might be your opinion. here's mine

Comment: first-year love isn't always a charade

Posted by The Magician on Before the Curtain Falls

Hey there Starfish

Ah sex! Hate it or love it, it’s the one thing you’re not going to escape as long as you’re in the company of Rodents! (That, and alcohol.)
The thing about relationships is that the whole point to them is to eventually get down and dirty. I mean, if you are not inevitably looking for a mate, what are you after?
But, that’s not all that they are about, and they certainly are not the “glue” that holds relationships together. If anything, if entered into for the wrong reasons, sex can be the greatest destroyer of relationships. Hence the hurt.
And by the way, pain isn’t only a burden for the feminine heart. Guys hurt too – a lot. Interestingly, and contrary to common belief, I’ve seen guys far more torn up after a relationship, while the X rides off into the sunset with a new victim.
However, even the “good” guys have issues with where their blood is headed to.

As the old saying goes “A guy gives love for sex and a girl gives sex for love.” And it’s a fundamental truth in all romantic relationships.
But that doesn’t mean that above the seething sea of hormonal urges guys aren’t fantastic creatures that really just want some love. So cut them some slack, be aware of the sex issue, and if you don’t want it, make sure he knows it from the word go.

In LIfe and Love,
Good luck

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