Saturday, October 25, 2008

Screw “Standard English”. Here’s how I do things:

Awkward turdle – the phrase used in the case of an is extremely awkward situation. To be used with the complementary hand signal.
Arb –alternate. Different. Weird (in a cool way).
Bla – oh so ug.
Blinking – disgustingly annoying, irritating or dysfunctional. Or all that and more.
Bug – potentially irritate the hell out of some poor sorry sod
Chilled – laid back dude. One of those fantabulistic
Daft – an old word nicked form the attic, polished up and reintegrated into the English lingo
Drift – similar to waft. However, not to be confused with waft. General movement of the body in a specifically general direction. Behaviour of movement vaguely resembling that of a log in the sea, carried by the tide to some eventual destination. (Hence: “drift”)
Fantabulistic – not to be confused with its rather dull and common root: “fantastic”. Used in hyperactivity, generally to be avoided when in a dull mood.
Fk – use your imagination. Fill in the blanks.
Freak – can be equated with “oh damn”. An exclamation highlighting the seriously serious badness of a given situation
Freak out - panic
Geeslikes! – The perfect partner for eye-rolling
Hectic – the opposite of chilled.
Indalorious – a Simone invention. You don’t want to know. (That doesn’t mean that THAT is what “indalorious” means, more you just really don’t want to know. Trust me, I’m a doctor)
Indorable – a Simone invention. Basically, waaaay beyond baby cute.
Jump off a cliff – a perceived better pastime than facing exams. Otherwise something that other distinctly annoying individuals are advised to try.
Ja-nee – uhu… “For once in my life I really don’t know which one is the better decision”
Jippo – tweak. “Fix” things in my favour
Kettle-fish! – Ah shit.
Kiff – cool (and no, I’m not talking temperatures)
Lingo – language
Miff(ed) – badly annoyed. Similar to peeved, but stronger.
Nick – To quote Jack Sparrow: I took it with “the full intention of giving it back…” – or not.
Now now – can refer to any length of time, past or present
Peeved – similar to miffed, but more so to mildly pissed off or slightly irritated.
Poppie – a wanna-be Paris Hilton Afrikaans chickie. Thin, squeaky high voice, snazzy clothes died blond hair. Zero grey matter.
Pozzy – a place to crash (not literally) and call home
Sad, Sorry and Pathetic – pretty self-explanatory
Snazzy – smart, posh, stylish, expensive
Snaaz – diminutive of snazzy
Spivvy – another word for snazzy, but less commonly used. Tends to refer less to people and more to their possessions like house or car.
Sod – a Sad, Sorry and Pathetic person.
Tad – a bit
Toppy – old man
Tuttera – the warped version of tutor
Tweak – jippo. Perfect something.
Ug – Yuk.
Vreet – stuff yourself with food, very quickly and with a zero level of table etique
- make out
Wack - out of sync
Waft – similar to drift. However, not to be confused with drift. kinda float around like a random cloud of gaseous stuff. Moving without any real point and purpose. If there is one, then it’s secondary to some greater purpose. Like aimlessness.
Zip – moving a tad faster than

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