Saturday, October 25, 2008

"Oh What Tangled Webs We Weave, When First We Practice To Decieve..."

Two girls on my corridor in res are leaving Rhodes next year. Both of them were putting off telling their friends for fear of their reactions. One was scared that friends would be angry with her for leaving but the other was concerned that nobody would care. Her friends would go about their daily lives not giving a second though to the fact that when they returned for their second year of study she would not be there to greet them.
But back to the matter at hand, both girls successfully hid their secret for three full weeks, before deciding to take the plunge and divulge. Deceit became second nature. We had residence application forms to fill in for next year. When asked if they had yet handed them in, they simply replied that they had indeed, and that the reciept was somewhere in their bedrooms.
When asked which res room they wanted for next year, they replied that they were perfectly content in the rooms that they currently had.
When asked what subjects they were taking next year, they gave they answer which would have been true if they had been staying.
And finally, when confronted with the Big Question "Are you coming back next year?", both were able to look their best friends in the eye and say "yes".
But when they finally did confess, the tangled web which they had weaved come back to haunt them. "Why did you lie to me?", "Why didn't you tell me this before?", and just plain "Why?", were heard along with the gasps of shock.
But life goes on, two minutes later, everyone had gone back to their lives, wondering what was for lunch the next day, what was new on DC, and other mundane things...

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