Thursday, October 23, 2008

feeding the Ego, part 4

Back to the conversation. I didn’t say anything, (although I'm seriously tempted to send an sms about it.) To counter, I smart-commented back what happens if they lose.
Then IT started. What began as me just kiddin about the fact that his team might lose (seriously, what the hell do I know? Its fun to watch, but I really don’t give a damn about who wins) quickly devolved into me never supporting him. I put down his formula 1 (come on! Its just hunn-hunn-huunnnnn, flat little cars going round and round and round and round and round and round….. And the guys are so good you don’t even get to have fun seeing them stuff-up. Nee dankie!)
He then said that he now knows what my true colors are and that he now knows that he can’t count on me: I won’t stand by my “man”. (By the way, this whole “man” thing is a new thing. It’s quite funny actually, although I doubt he’d think so. Like the other night, when I was saying his voice sounds so cute on the phone, he said doesn’t it sound manly. Uhum… Ok, so he does have a nice deep voice that is I was somebody else id probably call highly sexy, only I don’t really give myself to that kind of talk. Suppose I’m just a stiff after all. Tonight there was another “man” thing when I said something on mxit that he didn’t quite get, so he asked: “so what’s that supposed to mean to a normal white man” dude, I dunno hey. Maybe the fact he’s over a year younger than me is what’s giving me the issues. Haha, I’m no where near even wanting to be called a woman, so I’m sure as hell not gonna call him a man. Flip!)

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